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self-assessment test!

4 personality styles self-assessment test

In our life-changing course, we have included the 4 Personality Styles as a FREE BONUS. Learning how to communicate with people in different styles will help you:

• Eliminate tension, stress, & plain old drama!
• Understand & communicate better with others
• Learn which personality style you use the most
• Be a team player!
• Create & maintain better relationships
• See situations through other peoples’ eyes
• Increase SALES overnight!

why is this information valuable? 

Because 75% of the people on the planet do not think like you. 

why should I take the test? 

In order to have great relationships, it pays to know how other people are motivated. Once you know what motivates them it is easy to relate. Since virtually everything we do in life involves other people, how we relate determines the quality of our relationships at work and at home, and can provide a very peaceful, rewarding life. Once you begin to use the 4 personality styles, your life will change dramatically. There are Controllers, Analyzers, Promoters, and Supporters.

how to take the test 

Choose the quadrant you operate in the most by asking, “are you more FORMAL or INFORMAL, and are you more DOMINANT or FLOW WITH?” Then choose 1, 2, 3, or 4. 

helpful hints: 

Formal people are more PROJECT ORIENTED 

Informal people are more RELATIONSHIP ORIENTED (they love people)

if you feel you are in quadrant #1 

Controller Formal/Dominant 

You like “The Bottom Line”, you take charge

if you feel you are in quadrant #3

Promoter Informal/Dominant 

You are Adventuresome and Motivated by fun

if you feel you in quadrant #2 

Analyzer Formal/Flow With 

You are Motivated by facts and figures, like to gather data and info

if you feel you are in quadrant #4 

Supporter Informal/Flow With 

You are patient and sympathetic, and have trouble saying no

When you purchase Leaving Manureville, you will receive the complete, easy to use guide to the 4 Personality Styles. Included will be:

• A list of strengths for each style 
• Items that could use some work 
• Strategies to strengthen yourself 
• Helpful hints for communicating with each style 

Stop the guess work! You will get the complete guide to the 4 different Personality Styles, vital to beginning and maintaining fulfilling relationships. You will also receive over 20 life changing tools and techniques, learned over 35 years and condensed, so they are fast, fun, and easy to use in everyday life. This valuable, easy to use, information is FREE when you purchase LEAVING MANUREVILLE.


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the fastest way from poop to peace!